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Title IX Process

通过正式申诉程序提交报告的过程可能很长,受投诉人能否到场的影响, Respondent, and witnesses for investigations and/or hearing scheduling. There are also specific timelines required by Federal and State Statutes that may prolong the process. It is our goal to respond to and resolve complaints in a timely manner.


Important note about process-related communication: Maxient

During the charging, investigation, and adjudication processes, our office will use Maxient to communicate vital information with you. Maxient是一个在线记录管理系统和通信系统,以其安全性和跟踪能力而闻名全国. Please know that when you see emails or text messages from Maxient, this is secure and official communication with our office.


The Intake Meeting is the initial step in any Title IX process. 该会议是第九条工作人员与投诉人和/或被投诉人之间的会议,旨在收集信息, provide supportive measures, outline parties’ rights, and describe resolution procedures.

  • For a Complainant, 本次会议可能包括审查第九条诉讼程序是否是解决此投诉的正确途径. 无论你的情况是否属于第九条的管辖范围,无论你是否提交正式投诉, the Title IX staff can still provide Supportive Measures. Decisions do not have to be made during this meeting and may be made at a later date.
  • For a Respondent, this meeting may come before or after a Notice of Investigation. This meeting will give similar information that a Complainant receives. Title IX staff will review our policy, the allegations, offer supportive measures, explain the Respondent’s rights, and the resolution processes.
  • This meeting does not have any influence on the investigation or the outcome of a resolution proceeding. An Intake Meeting may gather some information, 但第九条工作人员只会要求提供必要的信息,以确定这是否是适当的解决过程. They will not make any determinations regarding responsibility.

After the intake meeting with a Complainant, the Title IX staff will provide the Formal Complaint form which, if submitted, authorizes the University to move forward with an investigation. 投诉人在接待会议期间不需要正式投诉来获得提供的住宿.

Formal Complaint

正式投诉由投诉人*提交,作为正式要求大学对报告的指控采取行动. 正式投诉表格将在受理会议期间由第九条工作人员讨论和审查,并包括被投诉人的姓名, date, location, and alleged violations. The Complainant does not have to submit a complete narrative of the alleged incident. 这些信息将在调查期间收集,这是尽量减少投诉人讲述其故事的次数的努力的一部分.

The Formal Complaint form can be filed during or after the Intake Meeting. The University can pursue a case up to a year after the incident is reported to the University, however, the closer a Formal Complaint is filed to the reported incident, the evidence related to the case will be better preserved and collected.

After a Formal Complaint has been filed, 第九条工作人员将为被投诉人提供与投诉人收到的所有相同的信息和资源. This is part of the equitable process required by Title IX federal regulations.

*The University typically initiates an investigation at the request of the Complainant, however, 有时,第九条协调员可能会认为校园社区面临更大的威胁. This may be due to the severity of the case or a pattern of reported behavior. At these times, 第九条协调员有权提出正式投诉,并将通知所有投诉人,他们的案件将继续进行,并邀请他们参加.

After the Intake Meetings have been completed and a Formal Complaint is submitted, the Title IX Coordinator will assign the case to EITHER a mediator for an Informal Resolution or an investigator to proceed with an Investigation. 投诉人和被投诉人均可继续要求举行跟进会议,以回答有关政策的问题, supportive measures, and the status of their case. 

Informal Resolution

There are two official ways for a Formal Complaint to be resolved: an Informal Resolution or a Live Hearing

Informal Resolution
If both parties agree, an Informal Resolution may be initiated. This is a mediated resolution process without a required formal investigation. 进入非正式解决程序必须得到第九条协调员的批准,以确保符合联邦法规和UWF的政策,这些政策可能概述了可能无法通过非正式解决的具体违规行为. 

At any time after the Formal Complaint is filed, both the Complainant and Respondent may agree to enter into an Informal Resolution. The goal with an Informal Resolution is to empower the parties to navigate through a resolution on their terms. 

  • An Informal Resolution does not require a finding of responsibility.
  • 如果一方或双方不再希望在签署解决协议之前继续进行非正式解决, the case will be referred back to the Formal Grievance process where it was left off.
  • The agreed upon Informal Resolution outcome must be approved by the Complainant, the Respondent, and the Title IX Coordinator. Once the Informal Resolution outcome has been signed by all parties, the matter can no longer be referred back to the Formal Grievance proceedings.

Who Participates in the Informal Resolution:

  • Complainant
  • Respondent
  • Advisors
  • Mediator


After a Formal Complaint has been filed and Intake Meetings conducted, a Title IX investigator will communicate with and interview the Complainant, the Respondent, and any witnesses considered to have information to contribute to our understanding of the events, interactions, and resulting impacts. These interviews are conducted privately between you and the investigator, and the information shared will be included in a comprehensive Final Investigation Report.

The University cannot compel you to participate in the Investigation, however please understand the importance of investigating complaints in a thorough and fair manner. When members of our community feel they have been mistreated, the University has an obligation to investigate. To accomplish this, 对于所有参与的人来说,公开和诚实地参与是至关重要的——即使你认为你没有任何有价值的信息,即使你不想这样做.

Investigation Integrity
Investigators strive to conduct their investigations in a discrete manner to minimize disruptions, protect the integrity of the investigation, and preserve potential evidence. The University cannot prohibit participants from discussing the matter with other parties. 任何干扰或阻止彻底调查的企图都可能导致由有关部门进行进一步的纪律处分. 

Final Investigation Report
在调查过程中收集到的资料将汇编成一份调查报告草稿,提供给投诉人和被投诉人. 投诉人和/或被投诉人将有10个工作日的审核期向调查人员提供关于其证词的书面编辑. Once those edits have been adopted into the report, there will be an additional 10-business day review period prior to the live hearing. 


After the Investigation Report is finalized, 调查人员将把案件提交给第九条协调员,以便将案件转入听证程序.

Live Hearing

There are two official ways for a Formal Complaint to be resolved: an Informal Resolution or a Live Hearing

A Live Hearing proceeding is conducted in front of a panel of trained Title IX hearing officials.

Pre-Hearing Conference
Prior to a hearing, 投诉人和被投诉人都将与《bet9九州app在线下载》的工作人员私下会面,召开听证会前会议,审查听证程序, decorum expectations, and appeal procedures.

During this pre-hearing conference, the Respondent will have the opportunity to accept responsibility. Should the Respondent accept responsibility for the alleged violation, the University will propose appropriate sanctions. If the Respondent agrees to the proposed sanctions, an outcome letter will be provided to the Complainant and Respondent concurrently. 

If the Respondent denies responsibility for the alleged violations or refuses the proposed sanctions, the matter will continue to the live hearing. 

Live Hearing
At the live hearing, the investigator, the Complainant, 答辩人将有机会向第九条听证小组提供开场陈述,然后回答小组的问题,随后由另一方顾问进行交叉询问. 

  • Witnesses will participate one by one in a similar fashion: opening statement, questions, dismissal. 
  • At the end of the hearing, 投诉人和被投诉人将在提交结案陈词前再接受专家组和顾问的一轮询问. 
  • 聆讯小组将进行非公开审议,并同时向投诉人和被投诉人发出书面结果信.  

Opening Statements:
开庭陈述是你介绍自己和总结你在听证过程中期望得到的结果的机会. If you participated in the Investigation, you do not need to completely re-tell your story. During an opening statement you are not allowed to explain the impact of this situation. You will provide this information through a written impact statement. 

Closing Statement:
A closing statement is your opportunity to respond to evidence provided by any other party during the hearing. Additionally, 结束语是一个机会,让你对责任的发现和建议的结果进行最后的论证.


  • Both the Complainant and the Respondent may appeal the decision and or sanction(s) in writing.
  • The appeal must be received within 10 business days of the date of the decision letter.
  • If either the Complainant or Respondent submits an appeal, 另一个人将被通知并提供一份上诉副本,并有10个工作日的时间以书面形式对上诉作出回应. The Title IX Coordinator will also be provided with a copy of the appeal. 

The University will review the appeal, including all information provided by all parties. Grounds for appeal are limited to the following: 

  • Procedural irregularity that affected the outcome of the matter; or 
  • 在作出有关责任或解雇的决定时无法合理获得的新证据, that could affect the outcome of the matter; or 
  • The Title IX Coordinator, investigator(s), 或决策者对投诉人或被投诉人整体或个别投诉人或被投诉人存在利益冲突或偏见,从而影响了事项的结果. 

The University may uphold the discipline decision, modify the decision, remand the case to the same Hearing Officer for reconsideration of the discipline decision, or remand the case to a new Hearing Officer for a new hearing. Unless the appeal decision is to remand the case for a new hearing, the appeal decision is considered the final decision of the University. A copy of the decision of the University shall be simultaneously forwarded to both Complainant and Respondent.

If you have a question or need to talk to someone about the information listed on this website, please contact the Title IX Coordinator, Jenny Hamilton, at 850.474.2175 or